Cross-Reference of Healing Qualities
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W
- Abandonment
- for the fear of being abandoned—Angelica, Stinging Nettle
- having to abandon one's home or country—Reindeer Moss
- healing abandonment in relationships—Bleeding Heart, Pale Corydalis
- Abundance
- releasing mental blocks to the experience of abundance on all levels—Blueberry Pollen
- unconditional acceptance of abundance—Bog Blueberry
- Abuse
- healing and releasing the effects of abuse on the body—Cotton Grass, Northern Lady's Slipper, Rhodochrosite, Soul Support
- healing from the abuse of power—Fairy Slipper, Ladies' Mantle, Sitka Spruce Pollen, Soapberry
- healing the impact of sexual abuse—Balsam Poplar, Cotton Grass, River Beauty, White Fireweed
- recovering from experiences of emotional abuse—River Beauty, Sweetgale
- releasing the cellular impact of abuse—Black Tourmaline, Tundra Twayblade, White Fireweed
- Acceptance
- of loss—Reindeer Moss
- of one's power to heal oneself—Self-Heal
- of one's unique and personal beauty—Columbine
- of support, regardless of the form it appears in—Spiraea
- of the impulses of spirit—Jacob's Ladder
- of the oneness of all creation—Green Fairy Orchid
- of the totality of oneself, without conditions—Alpine Azalea
- of what is in the present moment—Jadeite Jade, Tidal Forces
- turning self-judgment into acceptance—Pearl, Sphagnum Moss
- Accidents
- immediate healing from—Comfrey, Self-Heal, Soul Support
- understanding why they happen—Cotton Grass, Nootka Lupine
- Addictions
- addicted to helping others in return for their energy—Carnelian
- helps one tap into appropriate sources of energy—Opal, Topaz
- letting go of—Labrador Tea
- understanding and healing family patterns of addictions—Nootka Lupine, Northern Coral Root, White Lupine
- Agitation
- calms agitation in animals—Animal Care
- calms emotional agitation—Dandelion, River Beauty, Soul Support, Tidal Forces
- calms mental agitation—Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Jadeite Jade, Polar Ice, Round-Leaf Orchid, Valerian
- calms physical agitation—Green Garnet
- Alienation
- from the body—Diopside, Green Jasper, Raspberry Rutile, White Fireweed
- from the planet—Chrysoprase, Reindeer Moss, Shooting Star
- heals a sense of alienation from others—Bleeding Heart, Pasque Flower, Starflower, Stinging Nettle
- Alignment
- between physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels—Alpine Arnica, Malachite
- between the male and female energies in our body—Blue Poppy
- deep realignment with one's highest purpose in life—Ladies' Tresses
- restores alignment between the spiritual and physical bodies—Alpine Arnica
- strengthens central vertical alignment—Rutile
- with the power of one's personal truth—Cattail Pollen
- with Universal sources of energy and information—Rutilated Quartz, Silver, Topaz
- Ambivalence
- about being in a physical body—Crowberry, Devil's Club, Green Jasper, Ladies' Tresses, Pregnancy Support, Ruby, Shooting Star
- about being on the planet—Chrysoprase, Club Moss, Pregnancy Support, Shooting Star
- Ancestral Healing
- clearing ancestral patterns—Cinnabar, Cotton Grass, Fireweed, Liard Hot Springs, Nootka Lupine, Northern Lights, Purification
- for establishing and strengthening boundaries—Hematite, Pyrite
- for healing ancestral patterns that are blocking our ability to receive—Go-Create
- for non-judgement and acceptance of what we inherited—Pearl, Reindeer Moss, Sphagnum Moss
- for processing inherited anger—Blue Elf Viola
- for understanding the origins of our family patterns—Black Spruce, Nootka Lupine, Sitka Burnet, White Lupine
- opening to the positive support of our ancestors—Golden Corydalis, Yellow Dryas
- Anger
- helps one calm down after being angry—Valerian
- maintaining a strong sense of self when dealing with anger—Tiger's Eye
- resolving old anger—Mountain Wormwood
- understanding and releasing anger through the heart—Blue Elf Viola
- Animals/Animal Care
- for treating rescued animals—Animal Care
- helps animals (and humans) release their fear of other animals—Bog Rosemary, Monkshood, Soapberry
- helps establish a nurturing bond between mothers and their offspring—Grove Sandwort, Pineapple Weed, Pregnancy Support
- helps humans and animals communicate better with each other—Horsetail
- supports the healing process after surgery—Cotton Grass, Northern Lady's Slipper, Opal, Rhodolite Garnet
- treating shock and trauma in animals—Animal Care, Fireweed, River Beauty, Soul Support, Sweetgrass, White Fireweed
- Anxiety
- calms mental anxiety—Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Goatsbeard, Valerian
- from being overwhelmed—Paper Birch, Purple Poppy, Red Elder, Stinging Nettle
- soothes anxiety as we confront change—Redoubt Volcano
- Apathy/Apathetic
- closed down, disinterested in life—Prickly Wild Rose
- lack of inspiration or motivation—Tundra Rose
- Attachment
- for attachment to distraction—Bunchberry
- letting go of attachment to old wounds and grievances—Cotton Grass, White Lupine
- letting go of attachment to the form of what has been—Bog Blueberry, Glacier River, Greenland Icecap
- letting go of inappropriate emotional attachment to others—Mountain Wormwood
- releasing attachment to old emotions—River Beauty
- releasing attachment to pain—Cotton Grass
- releasing attachment to the form our support must take before we are willing to accept it—Spiraea
- releasing inappropriate attachment to the ego—Round-Leaved Sundew
- Attunement
- focusing and refining our attunement to the heart of the Earth—Green Bog Orchid
- helps one access, focus, and synthesize information during an attunement—Rutilated Quartz
- to the collective consciousness of the planet—Black Spruce
- to the intelligence existing in nature—Green Bells of Ireland
- to the needs of the plant kingdom—Moschatel
- to the sounds and energies present in nature—Cassandra
- to the wisdom of the higher self—Blue Green Tourmaline, Brazilian Amethyst, White Spruce
- to very subtle levels of physical manifestation—Northern Twayblade
- Authority
- helps one accept the authority of the higher self—Hairy Butterwort, Jacob's Ladder, Sunflower
- helps one establish a new core of spiritual authority—Scepter Amethyst
- Awareness
- clearing and focusing awareness to deepen our connection with nature—Comandra, Green Bog Orchid, Northern Twayblade
- of emotional tension held in the muscle tissues of the body—Dandelion
- of how our energy affects others—One-Sided Wintergreen, Red Quartz
- of illusion—Bladderwort
- of information from beyond our normal range of perception—Alder, Lapland Rosebay
- of one's Divine identity—Monkshood, Scepter Amethyst, Sugalite
- of one's life purpose—Ladies' Tresses, Paper Birch
- of one's true self—Tamarack, Topaz
- of our highest spiritual potential—Scepter Amethyst
- of subtle energy flows in and around the body—Lady's Slipper
- of support and guidance from higher realms—Chalice Well, Hairy Butterwort, Kunzite
- of the omnipresence of light—Single Delight
- of the source of one's vitality—Chocolate Lily, Fire Opal
- of the support and nurturing that is available from nature—Emerald, Grove Sandwort, Pineapple Weed, Rock Spring, Spiraea
- of what is in the present moment—Star Ruby
- Balance
- balancing the relationship between the 1st and 7th chakras—Black Tourmaline/Master Quartz
- between giving and receiving love—Harebell, Watermelon Tourmaline
- between the celestial and the physical—Sapphire/Ruby, Shooting Star
- between the heart and the mind—Apophyllite, Lamb's Quarters, Wild Rhubarb
- in communication—Azurite, Twinflower, Yellow Violet
- in the expression of the masculine, in men and women—Sunflower
- maintaining balance during times of rapid transformation—Fireweed Combo, Purple Poppy, Round-Leaf Orchid
- of logic and intuition—White Spruce
- of masculine and feminine expressions of power—Blue Poppy, Sitka Spruce Pollen, Star Gentian
- Balancing
- activity and rest—Opium Poppy
- expansion and contraction—Enchanter's Nightshade, Red Elder
- extreme states of energy—Crowberry, Red-Purple Poppy
- intuition, thought, and emotion in the present moment—White Spruce
- light and dark—Crowberry, Orange Calcite
- listening and speaking—Twinflower
- lower chakra energies—Bloodstone, Green Jasper, Ruby
- magnetic and dynamic—Watermelon Tourmaline
- male and female energies in the heart—Green Fairy Orchid
- one's personal power with the power of nature—Soapberry
- overly emotionalized, fiery states of being—Tidal Forces
- power and gentleness—Sitka Spruce Pollen
- sexual energy in the body—Balsam Poplar
- Belonging
- helps one feel welcome in a family or group—Alaska Violet, Single Delight, Starflower
- in a new neighborhood or country—Cow Parsnip, Reindeer Moss, Shooting Star
- Boundaries
- creating and maintaining clear boundaries for healing work—Aragonite, Guardian
- creating boundaries in alignment with one's highest truth—One-Sided Wintergreen, Pasque Flower
- creating functional boundaries through Divine trust and a strong connection with one's higher self—Monkshood, White Violet
- giving strength and definition to the energy field—Covellite, Devil's Club, Guardian, Stone Circle, Yarrow
- maintaining strong boundaries when confined in small spaces, such as on an airplane—Pasque Flower, Travel Ease, White Violet
- strengthening the boundary between the emotional and mental bodies—Bunchberry, Hematite, Tiger's Eye
- Centering
- awareness of how everything is connected to our center—Chocolate Lily, Jadeite Jade
- for emotional centering—Blue Elf Viola, Hematite, Tiger's Eye
- helps one maintain their center during intense experiences—Jadeite Jade, Labrador Tea, Red Elder, Round-Leaf Orchid
- Change
- for maintaining one's family identity through profound cycles of change—Yellow Dryas
- for understanding the deeper meaning of earth changes—Augustine Volcano
- helps us let go of our resistance to change—Glacier River, Redoubt Volcano, Round-Leaved Sundew
- impatient with the pace of change—Polar Ice
- strengthens and stabilizes the body so it is better able to cope with change—Cow Parsnip, Fireweed Combo
- support for deep inner change—Greenland Icecap, Spiraea, Tidal Forces
- support for moving through change without creating crisis—Hairy Butterwort
- Childbirth
- helping the newborn feel safe and welcome on the Earth—Angelica, Club Moss, Green Bells of Ireland, Mangano Calcite, Shooting Star
- release of pelvic tension during childbirth—Balsam Poplar
- release of trauma from the birth experience, regardless of one's present age—Ladies' Tresses, Northern Lady's Slipper
- support for mother and child during and immediately after the birth—Grove Sandwort, Peridot, Pregnancy Support, Spiraea
- support for moving from one stage of delivery to the next—Hairy Butterwort, Sticky Geranium
- Children
- for a fear of being in nature—Soapberry
- for accidents and injuries—Cotton Grass, Soul Support
- for bad dreams—Calling All Angels
- for better concentration on homework—Bunchberry, Easy Learning, Star Ruby
- for feeling protected—Angelica, Devil's Club, Guardian, Lavender Yarrow, Mangano Calcite, Yarrow
- for feeling supported—Chalice Well, Starflower
- for grounding—Green Bells of Ireland
- healing birth trauma—Ladies' Tresses, Northern Lady's Slipper
- strengthening boundaries for highly sensitive children—White Violet
- strengthening the bonding connection to the Earth—Pineapple Weed
- support for starting new projects—Peridot
- Clarity
- brings clarity to an overactive mental body—Aquamarine, Citrine
- emotional clarity in communication—Azurite, Beyond Words, Sweetgale
- hearing and speaking from a place of inner clarity—Twinflower
- increases clarity and alertness by dissipating confusion—Easy Learning
- mental clarity, especially during demanding situations—Blue Topaz, Bunchberry
- of dreams—Herkimer Diamond
- of purpose—Diamond
- of vision—Rainbow Hematite
- translating clarity of perception into appropriate action—Alder
- Cleansing
- chaotic and confused energy from the heart—Emerald, Foxglove, Montana Rhodochrosite, Rhodochrosite, Rose/Smoky Quartz
- core cleansing and repatterning of the heart—Northern Lights
- emotional energy stuck in the lower chakras—Amazonite, Bloodstone, Cinnabar, Ruby, Sweetgale
- old energy patterns from the body—Fireweed, Greenland Icecap, Purification
- the body's electrical system—Stinging Nettle
- the channel of communication between the heart and the mind—Wild Rhubarb
- the etheric body—Carnelian, Fluorite, Fluorite Combo, Purification, Sweetgrass
- toxic energy from the mind, emotions, and physical body—Black Tourmaline, Greenland Icecap, Northern Coral Root, Portage Glacier, Purification, Smoky Quartz, Tourmalated Quartz
- Clutter Clearing
- for establishing new boundaries with our belongings so we don't attract more clutter in the future—One-Sided Wintergreen
- for extreme clutter that has taken over the house—Devil's Club
- for holding onto stuff because of a fear of not having enough—Blueberry Pollen, Bog Blueberry
- helps us let go of what is inessential—Typhoon, Winter In August
- helps us release mental and emotional energy attached to our clutter—Northern Coral Root, Purification
- seals the energy space after the Clutter Clearing process is complete—Guardian
- Commitment
- in relationships—Pale Corydalis
- to a path of service—Cattail Pollen, Scepter Amethyst, Star Gentian, Star Sapphire
- to one's life path and purpose—Paper Birch, Sapphire, Star Sapphire
- to one's own health and healing—Self-Heal
- Communication
- between different levels of consciousness—Horsetail
- between mother and child—Grove Sandwort
- between people and the Earth—Brazilian Quartz, Cassandra, Green Garnet, Northern Coral Root, Pineapple Weed
- between the heart and the mind—Wild Rhubarb
- clears channels of communication in the 5th chakra—Lapis Lazuli
- developing body/mind communication—Dandelion
- enhances one's ability to communicate with vitality, authenticity, and gentleness—Azurite, Beyond Words
- from a place of inner calm and neutrality—Twinflower
- improving emotional communication in relationships—Beyond Words, Hematite, Sweetgale
- opens the flow of emotional communication through the heart—Apophyllite, Bloodstone
- precision alignment with inter-dimensional sources of information—Rutilated Quartz
- with oceans and rivers and their inhabitants—Amazonite
- with one's higher self—Golden Corydalis, Hairy Butterwort, Kunzite, Scepter Amethyst, Sugalite, Tundra Rose, White Violet
- with the animal kingdom—Horsetail
- with the plant kingdom—Comandra, Green Bells of Ireland, Green Bog Orchid, Moschatel
- without limitation, compromise, or self-consciousness—Yellow Violet
- Compassion
- developing compassion for oneself and others through self-acceptance—Alpine Azalea
- for all beings through loving kindness—Bleeding Heart
- for one's own healing process—Bog Candle, Green Bog Orchid, Pearl, Sphagnum Moss
- in the midst of emotional pain—Mangano Calcite
- through forgiveness—Mountain Wormwood
- Completion
- of cycles of healing on the etheric level—Comfrey, Rhodolite Garnet
- of cycles of learning and experience—Grass of Parnassus, Polar Ice
- of emotional cycles—Moonstone, River Beauty
- of life lessons without the creation of crisis or illness—Dwarf Fireweed, Hairy Butterwort
- of the past on all levels—Sitka Burnet
- Confidence
- from knowing one's abilities—Tamarack
- from knowing one's purpose in life—Paper Birch, Sapphire
- in expressing oneself—Tundra Rose, Yellow Violet
- in one's ability to heal oneself—Self-Heal
- in one's interactions with others—Starflower, Wild Sweet Pea
- in one's power to create one's life—Vesuvianite
- Confusion
- clears confusing dream imagery—Herkimer Diamond
- clears confusion from the heart after a traumatic experience—Montana Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Tundra Twayblade
- clears mental confusion and distortion—Bunchberry, Citrine, Easy Learning
- Consciousness
- communicating with other levels of consciousness—Horsetail
- opening to wisdom contained in the collective consciousness of the planet—Black Spruce, Turquoise, White Spruce
- Courage
- in the face of conflict—Prickly Wild Rose
- to follow the dictates of Divine purpose—Cattail Pollen
- to let one's true self be seen by others—Monkshood, Wild Sweet Pea
- to pioneer the way for others to follow—Aventurine, Yellow Dryas
- Creativity
- helps focus and concentrate one's creative energies—Green Tourmaline/Smoky Quartz
- helps one tap into one's inner truth, joy, and wisdom as a source of creative power—Goatsbeard, Gold
- opening new levels of creative expression—Go-Create, Northern Lights, Sticky Geranium, Yellow Paintbrush
- owning one's diverse talents and traits—Golden Corydalis
- recharging one's creative energy—Bog, Carnelian, Fire Opal, Liard Hot Springs, Opal, Orange Calcite, Spectrolite, Stone Circle
- sharing one's creativity freely with others—Wild Iris, Wild Sweet Pea
- Critical
- being criticized by others—Twinflower
- overly critical of oneself—Bog Candle, Diopside, Pearl
- overly critical of others—Sphagnum Moss, Stinging Nettle
- Death & Dying
- for a fear of dying—Bog Rosemary, Chiming Bells, Tundra Rose
- for finishing up past cycles of experience—Blue Elf Viola, Labrador Tea, Mountain Wormwood, Sphagnum Moss
- for making the decision to cross over, and to assist in that journey—Bog Candle, Calling All Angels, Cattail Pollen, Hairy Butterwort, Ladies' Tresses, Round-Leaved Sundew, Shooting Star, Spiraea
- for protection after leaving the body—Angelica, Guardian
- for the shock and trauma of ending up in the hospital after an accident or stroke—Cotton Grass, Soul Support
- Defensiveness
- defensive or reactive communication—Beyond Words, Stinging Nettle, Sweetgale, Twinflower, Yellow Violet
- emotional defensiveness—Sweetgale
- Dental Care
- releasing emotional energy stored in the teeth—Silver, White Fireweed
- support before, during and after a dental appointment—Cotton Grass, Fireweed Combo, Soul Support
- Depression
- for those feeling separate and alone in times of darkness—Lighten Up, Single Delight
- for those who feel lost or out of touch with their own inner dynamics—Chiming Bells
- from lack of light—Orange Calcite, Solstice Sun
- Detoxification
- during and after a long airplane flight—Travel Ease
- helps us exchange toxic energy held in the chakras for restorative energy—Portage Glacier, Silver
- release of toxic energy from the environment—Black Tourmaline, Portage Glacier, Purification
- release of toxic energy from the mind, emotions, and physical body—Black Tourmaline, Northern Coral Root, Purification, Silver, Smoky Quartz
- Devotion
- facilitates the verbal expression of one's devotion to life—Tundra Rose, Twinflower
- to one's own heart—Bleeding Heart, Green Bog Orchid
- to one's path of service—Sapphire, Sapphire/Ruby, Star Gentian, Star Sapphire
- Earth Healing
- helps to rebuild the etheric web in areas disturbed or devastated by natural or human causes—Chiming Bells, Comfrey, Cotton Grass, Fireweed, River Beauty, White Fireweed
- Ego
- bringing the ego forces into harmony with the wisdom of the higher self—Round-Leaved Sundew
- relinquishing inappropriate identification with the ego—Sitka Spruce Pollen
- Emergence
- allowing issues to emerge into the heart for healing—Green Bog Orchid, Sphagnum Moss
- helps suppressed issues come into the light of awareness—Full Moon Reflection
- Emergency
- maintaining balance on all levels during and after an emergency—Cotton Grass, Fireweed, Fireweed Combo, Labrador Tea, Soul Support
- maintaining emotional boundaries during and after an emergency—Covellite, Hematite, Tiger's Eye
- maintaining mental balance during and after an emergency—Bunchberry, Citrine
- regaining emotional balance after an emergency—River Beauty, White Fireweed
- Empowered/Empowerment
- by one's connection to the sacred feminine—Ladies' Mantle
- by the expression of mastery through one's heart—Blue Green Tourmaline, Northern Green Orchid
- empowerment through knowing and feeling one's true value—Cloudberry, Gold
- from a clear vision of one's personal truth—Cattail Pollen
- helps one stay empowered when dealing with intense emotions—Hematite, Tiger's Eye
- remaining true to one's values despite peer pressure—Pyrite
- Energy
- attracting and focusing energy for healing and regeneration—Labradorite, Lady's Slipper
- expanding our ability to receive energy from the sun—Lighten Up, Orange Calcite, Solstice Sun, Sunflower
- focusing physical energy for decisive action—Chocolate Lily, Star Ruby
- helps us recharge after becoming depleted from overwork—Fire Opal, Labradorite, Opal
- helps us regulate extremes of energy—Labrador Tea, Vanadinite
- increasing energy flow to the meridians—Amber, Carnelian
- opening energy flows to and from the etheric body—Fluorite, Fluorite Combo, Rhodolite Garnet, Sweetgrass
- opening energy flows to the heart—Alpine Azalea, Calling All Angels, Chrysocolla, Emerald, Foxglove, Green Bog Orchid, Green Fairy Orchid, Harebell, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Tundra Twayblade
- promotes energetic hygiene and independence—Aragonite
- Environment
- cleansing one's environment—Black Tourmaline, Grass of Parnassus, Portage Glacier, Purification
- helps one not take on the energy of their environment—Guardian, Lavender Yarrow, Yarrow
- Etheric
- bathes the etheric body with multi-spectrum light—Labradorite, Opal, Spectrolite
- breaking up and releasing blockages from the etheric body—Fireweed, Fluorite, Fluorite Combo, Portage Glacier
- rebuilds the etheric web of energy in areas disrupted by surgery or injury—Comfrey, Fireweed, Rhodolite Garnet, Sweetgrass
- Exhaustion
- feeling like there is no time to rest—Opium Poppy
- from overuse of mental and emotional forces—Labradorite, Opal, Spectrolite
- from overwork—Fire Opal, Green Jasper, Moschatel, Opal
- from trying to balance one extreme with another—Labrador Tea, Purple Poppy
- resulting from blockages in the subtle bodies—Carnelian, Fluorite
- Father
- forgiveness around father issues—Mountain Wormwood
- strengthening the father principle, in men and women—Citrine, Fairy Slipper, Sitka Spruce Pollen, Solstice Sun, Sunflower
- Fear
- fear of speaking out—Fairy Slipper, Yellow Violet
- fear of the power of nature—Soapberry
- fear of the unknown, afraid to take risks—Aventurine, Bog Rosemary, Redoubt Volcano
- of flying—Soul Support, Travel Ease
- of the misuse of power—Soapberry
- overcoming the fear of death—Angelica, Chiming Bells, Tundra Rose
- relating to the world with fearlessness—Monkshood
- release of fear through trust—Bog Rosemary
- releasing fear from the heart—Enchanter's Nightshade, False Hellebore, Forget-Me-Not, Foxglove
- Feminine
- balancing masculine and feminine energies in the heart—Green Fairy Orchid, Watermelon Tourmaline
- blending the power of the masculine and feminine—Blue Poppy, Fairy Slipper, Sitka Spruce Pollen, Solar Eclipse
- helps one embody feminine qualities of spirituality—Sugalite
- opening to the nurturing energies of the Divine Mother—Emerald, Ladies' Mantle, Larimar
- opening up to a greater awareness of the feminine in nature—Amazonite, Northern Lady's Slipper, Paper Birch
- reconnecting to the wild feminine—Green Jasper
- Flexibility
- gaining flexibility through the release of emotional blockages—Chrysocolla, Dandelion, Potato
- helps us contact the inherent flexibility of the body—Amber
- mental flexibility—Lamb's Quarters, Wild Rhubarb, Willow
- Flying
- disorientation, jet lag—Brazilian Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Travel Ease
- fear of flying—Soul Support
- protection from electromagnetic radiation, noise and vibration during a flight—Stone Circle, Travel Ease
- Focus
- creating a positive focus for personality growth—Golden Corydalis
- focused release of creative energy—Sticky Geranium, Wild Iris
- focused release of resistance—Greenland Icecap
- focusing attention in the present moment—Rutilated Quartz, Star Ruby
- focusing awareness so we can see subtle energies in nature—Comandra, Northern Twayblade
- focusing energy for healing—Lady's Slipper, Northern Lady's Slipper
- increasing mental focus and alignment with Divine Will—Bunchberry, Citrine, Easy Learning
- maintaining a spiritual focus in life—Icelandic Poppy
- maintaining focus on one's healing process when many issues are coming up for consideration—Fluorite Combo
- Forgiveness
- of old wounds in relationships—Alpine Arnica, Bleeding Heart, Mountain Wormwood
- through a clean and appropriate expression of anger—Blue Elf Viola
- through acceptance of self—Alpine Azalea
- Freedom
- from injury and risk through a harmonious relationship with the planet—Pineapple Weed
- through forgiveness—Bleeding Heart, Mountain Wormwood
- through healing the past on all levels—Sitka Burnet
- Frustration
- creative—Wild Iris, Yellow Paintbrush
- emotional—Blue Elf Viola, Sweetgale
- Gardening
- helps build up the life force in the garden—Moschatel, Orange Calcite, Solstice Sun, Sunflower
- helps one tune into the needs of the plant kingdom—Moschatel
- helps plants recover from frost or animal damage—Soul Support
- helps transplanted seedlings establish new roots of communication with the Earth—Grove Sandwort, Peridot
- opens one's awareness to the plant kingdom—Comandra, Green Bells of Ireland, Green Bog Orchid
- Grace
- expressing one's uniqueness with grace and poise—Lace Flower
- moving through difficult transitions with grace—Aventurine, Hairy Butterwort, Lilac
- moving with physical grace—Pineapple Weed
- opening to the grace of the wild feminine—Green Jasper
- Gratitude
- acceptance of support in a spirit of gratitude—Spiraea
- encouraging abundance through a conscious attitude of gratitude—Blueberry Pollen, Bog Blueberry
- living life with gratitude—Turquoise
- Grief
- helps one contact, open to and release grief carried in the physical body—Chrysocolla, Cotton Grass, Diopside, Ladies' Mantle, Reindeer Moss
- supports, balances, and nurtures the emotional process during the grieving process—River Beauty, Tidal Forces, White Fireweed
- Grounding
- grounding communication—Azurite
- grounding information from the higher realms—Moldavite, Rainbow Hematite, Rutilated Quartz, Star Ruby, Vesuvianite
- grounding old energy patterns from the body—Fireweed, Glacier River, Green Tourmaline/Smoky Quartz
- grounding spiritual truth into the physical body—Chalice Well, Citrine
- helps one ground an awareness of life purpose into practical, heart-centered action—Sapphire/Ruby
- helps one maintain grounding during energy work—Aragonite
- helps one release resistance to being fully grounded—Bloodstone, Brazilian Quartz, Devil's Club, Gigha Quartz
- reconnecting to the Earth after a shock or trauma—Fireweed, Green Jasper, Ruby
- reconnecting to the physical body after a traumatic experience—Club Moss, Cotton Grass, Fireweed, Raspberry Rutile, Rhodolite Garnet
- strengthens grounding on all levels—Black Tourmaline/Master Quartz, Club Moss, Gigha Quartz, Malachite, Red Quartz
- strengthens the connection between the 1st chakra and the Earth—Black Tourmaline, Club Moss, Crowberry, Fireweed Combo, Gigha Quartz, Ruby
- Guidance
- awareness of guidance and support from spiritual sources—Black Spruce, Moldavite, Sapphire, Shooting Star, Star Sapphire
- balancing ego forces with higher guidance—Diamond, Round-Leaved Sundew
- developing a greater trust in one's spiritual guidance—Bog Rosemary, Hairy Butterwort
- establishing connections with inner sources of guidance—Forget-Me-Not, Horsetail, Monkshood
- Harmony
- between human power and the power of the Earth—Soapberry
- between mothers and children and the Earth—Grove Sandwort, Pineapple Weed, Pregnancy Support
- between personal and Divine Will—Diamond, Jacob's Ladder, Silver
- between the heart chakra and the planet—Chrysoprase, Devil's Club, Green Bog Orchid
- between the masculine and feminine in men and women—Green Fairy Orchid, Solar Eclipse
- between the mental body and higher spiritual laws—Citrine
- between the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of being—Malachite
- harmonizing the auric field and the physical body with the Earth's natural vibration—Brazilian Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Travel Ease
- Heart
- accessing information in the heart before interpreting it with the mind—Lamb's Quarters
- clearing the channel of communication between the heart and mind—Wild Rhubarb
- clears, expands, and aligns the heart chakra with the higher self—Blue Green Tourmaline
- developing the green, earthly dimension of the heart chakra—Chrysoprase
- developing the pink, spiritual dimension of the heart chakra—Kunzite
- helps us express our mastery and power through our hearts—Northern Green Orchid
- improving the flow of emotional communication through the heart—Amazonite, Apophyllite
- increasing energy, balance, and stability in the heart chakra—Aventurine, Mangano Calcite, Montana Rhodochrosite, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Round-Leaf Orchid, Watermelon Tourmaline
- listening with our hearts and speaking our truth from our hearts—Beyond Words, Twinflower
- opening our hearts to the experience of Unconditional Love—Bleeding Heart, Harebell
- opening the heart through unconditional self-acceptance—Alpine Azalea
- opening the heart to a greater experience of love in the physical body—Emerald
- opening the heart to a greater flow of creative giving—Green Tourmaline/Smoky Quartz, Yellow Paintbrush
- releasing muscle tension centered around the heart—Foxglove, Soapberry
- releasing pain and sadness held deeply in the heart—Celestite, Foxglove, Green Bog Orchid, Pink Quartz, Rose/Smoky Quartz, Tundra Twayblade
- Higher Self
- strengthening one's energetic connection with—Brazilian Amethyst, Jacob's Ladder, Moldavite, Scepter Amethyst, White Violet
- trusting in the wisdom of the higher self—Diamond, Gold, Hairy Butterwort, Round-Leaved Sundew, Scepter Amethyst, Sitka Spruce Pollen
- Homeless
- for those who are drifting from place to place, with no place to call home—Alaska Violet, Cow Parsnip
- helps one find or create community—Wild Sweet Pea
- Honesty
- helps one make decisions based on an honest regard for one's highest good—Beyond Words, Paper Birch, Pyrite, Topaz
- willingness to see the truth of a situation—Alder, Bladderwort, Cattail Pollen
- Hope/Hopelessness
- helps us replace hopelessness with openness, courage, and a renewed interest in life—Prickly Wild Rose, Tundra Rose
- reminds us that we are loved and supported by the angels and the entire web of life on this planet—Calling All Angels, Chalice Well
- restores a belief in miracles—Augustine Volcano, Rock Spring
- Identity
- building a strong projection of one's identity—Columbine, Monkshood
- confidence from knowing one's true identity—Tamarack
- expansion and clarification of one's identity throughout cycles of change—Icelandic Poppy, Sunflower, Yellow Dryas
- helps one access and bring forth the highest aspects of one's identity—Gold, Scepter Amethyst
- helps one maintain a strong sense of self-identity when dealing with powerful emotions—Hematite, Tiger's Eye
- strengthening one's ability to act from a clear sense of personal identity—Carnelian, Topaz
- Impatience
- calms mental impatience and preoccupation—Aquamarine
- with change and wanting to rush into things—Polar Ice
- Individuality
- developing a conscious connection with the source of one's individuality—Tamarack, Yellow Dryas
- helps one develop one's unique individuality—Columbine, Fairy Slipper, Lace Flower, One-Sided Wintergreen, Topaz
- strengthens and protects our deepest sense of self—Pasque Flower
- Inner Child
- connecting to and nurturing one's inner child—Rose Quartz, Sweetgale
- creating a place of safety within the heart—Calling All Angels, Montana Rhodochrosite
- directing healing energy to the inner child—Lady's Slipper
- gentle support for the healing of core traumas—Dwarf Fireweed, Emerald, Northern Lady's Slipper
- getting back in touch with one's original innocence—Forget-Me-Not, Liard Hot Springs
- helps the inner child forgive past hurts—Mountain Wormwood
- moving the focus from pain to healing—Cotton Grass
- release of anger and frustration from the inner child—Blue Elf Viola
- strengthening communication between the inner child and the Earth Mother—Grove Sandwort
- Innocence
- helps us release guilt and self-blame—Forget-Me-Not, Liard Hot Springs
- restores awareness of our original innocence—Cloudberry, Starflower
- Inspiration
- connects us to the source of our creative inspiration—Wild Iris
- opening the mind to—Easy Learning, Jacob's Ladder, Lamb's Quarters
- restores hope, courage, and inspiration—Rock Spring, Tundra Rose
- through joy and enthusiasm—Goatsbeard
- Integration
- increases our ability to integrate information—Easy Learning, Rutilated Quartz, Stinging Nettle
- of emotions—Dandelion, Sweetgale
- of eternal wisdom into present time awareness—Black Spruce
- of new experiences by the personality—Golden Corydalis
- of peak experiences—Solstice Sun
- of spirit and emotion into action in the present moment—White Spruce
- of the celestial and the physical—Red-Purple Poppy
- of the lessons of the past—Black Spruce, Opium Poppy, Purple Poppy
- of the rational and the intuitive—Lamb's Quarters
- Intention
- aligns attention with motivation—Jacob's Ladder, Sticky Geranium
- clarifies intention—Citrine, Diamond, Typhoon, Winter In August
- Intimacy
- helps one create appropriate boundaries for—Covellite, Pasque Flower
- helps one open again to intimacy after a painful or traumatic experience—Chrysocolla, Montana Rhodochrosite, Rhodochrosite, White Fireweed
- strengthens the heart so one is able to maintain intimacy—Mangano Calcite, Rose Quartz
- Intuition
- balancing intuition during menstruation—Moonstone
- balancing the intuitive with the rational—Lamb's Quarters
- opening one's intuition to the plant kingdom—Comandra, Moschatel
- trusting one's intuition—Bog Rosemary
- Irritation
- helps dissolve layers of irritation in the mental and emotional bodies—Pearl, Stinging Nettle
- releasing irritation towards one's own healing process—Sphagnum Moss
- Isolation
- encourages one to move out of isolation—Wild Sweet Pea
- feeling separated or isolated from one's spiritual source—Moldavite, Sapphire, Shooting Star
- support for those who feel isolated from others—Single Delight
- Joy
- bringing more joy into the fulfillment of life's challenges—Alaska Violet, Prickly Wild Rose, Tundra Rose, Willow
- helps one reclaim joy after a devastating experience—River Beauty
- in physical existence—Calling All Angels, Chiming Bells, Orange Calcite
- integrating joy and suffering—Bleeding Heart
- opening to joy as a source of creative power—Bog, Goatsbeard, Gold
- reclaiming joy through transformative experiences—Fireweed Combo
- Judgment
- helps turn judgment of one's difficulties into acceptance and awareness—Pearl
- learning to see without judgment—Celestite, Rainbow Hematite, Sphagnum Moss
- release of conditions to loving and accepting the self—Alpine Azalea
- Lethargy
- emotional lethargy—Bloodstone, Moonstone, Sweetgale
- feeling weighed down by life—Lighten Up, Orange Calcite
- from the feeling of having no energy—Fire Opal
- helps one move from lethargy to decisive and focused action—Augustine Volcano, Sticky Geranium
- Life Purpose
- creating energy boundaries that are in alignment with one's life purpose—One-Sided Wintergreen
- gaining a clear perspective on one's life purpose—Paper Birch
- joining with others to promote a shared higher purpose—Northern Green Orchid
- reconnecting with life purpose after a shock or trauma—Ladies' Tresses, Northern Lady's Slipper
- strengthening one's ability to act in alignment with life purpose—Diamond, Sapphire, Sapphire/Ruby, Star Sapphire
- Light
- amplifies one's ability to assimilate light at the cellular level of the body—Amber, Herkimer Diamond, Labradorite, Orange Calcite
- awareness of the omnipresence of light—Single Delight
- bathes the entire aura with multi-spectrum light—Opal, Spectrolite
- for sensitivity to the light—Enchanter's Nightshade, Monkshood, Vanadinite
- opening the energy channels to receive more nourishment from sunlight—Lighten Up, Solstice Sun, Sunflower
- opening to the light of creation—Northern Lights
- receiving nourishment and healing from non-visible light—Grass of Parnassus, Lighten Up
- strengthening one's inner light—Yarrow
- support for bringing one's shadow self into the light—Enchanter's Nightshade, Full Moon Reflection
- Limitation
- dissolving limiting beliefs that restrict our experience of abundance—Blueberry Pollen, Bog Blueberry
- going beyond previous levels of self-definition—Sticky Geranium
- letting go of all limitations to receiving love from within—Alpine Azalea, Chrysocolla, Emerald, Harebell
- releasing tension around the heart resulting from limiting belief systems—Foxglove
- Listening
- clears confusion between hearing and knowing—Lapis Lazuli
- from a place of inner quiet and focused neutrality—Aquamarine, Beyond Words, Twinflower
- to the subtleties of nature—Cassandra
- Loss
- becoming empowered by consciously letting go—Fireweed, Tidal Forces
- coping with recent emotional loss—Bleeding Heart, River Beauty
- of place, home, or habitat—Reindeer Moss
- processing ancient feelings of loss—Cinnabar, Ladies' Mantle
- Love
- being motivated by a love of life—Tundra Rose
- bringing unconditional love through the heart—Alpine Azalea, Harebell
- harmonizes the giving and receiving qualities of love—Watermelon Tourmaline
- opening the heart to allow a greater experience of love in the body—Chrysocolla, Emerald, Montana Rhodochrosite, Tundra Twayblade
- opening the heart to an awareness and experience of angelic love—Angelica, Calling All Angels, Kunzite
- Manifesting
- abundance on all levels—Blueberry Pollen, Bog Blueberry, Go-Create, Rock Spring
- positive reality from the quality of one's thoughts—Goatsbeard, Willow
- through a strong connection with one's creative power—Bog, Club Moss, Gold, Wild Iris
- Masculine
- balancing masculine and feminine energies in the heart—Green Fairy Orchid, Watermelon Tourmaline
- balancing power and gentleness in men and women—Blue Poppy, Sitka Spruce Pollen
- helps men reclaim their spiritual self-image—Brazilian Amethyst, Star Gentian
- strengthening the flow of masculine energy in men and women—Fairy Slipper, Solar Eclipse, Solstice Sun, Sunflower
- Massage Therapy/Body Work
- releasing energy blockages and improving energy flow throughout the body—Fluorite, Fluorite Combo, Grass of Parnassus, Lady's Slipper, Pearl, Potato, Smoky Quartz, Tourmalated Quartz
- releasing mental and emotional tension held in muscle tissue—Cotton Grass, Dandelion, Potato
- releasing muscle tension resulting from experiences of abuse or sexual trauma—Balsam Poplar
- sealing energy breaks in the aura—Comfrey, Lavender Yarrow, Rhodolite Garnet, Yarrow
- Meditation
- cleansing a physical and vibrational space for meditation or ritual—Grass of Parnassus, Purification, Sweetgrass
- getting in touch with life purpose when faced with difficult decisions—Paper Birch, Shooting Star
- quieting the mind and preparing for meditation—Aquamarine, Cassandra, Horsetail, Polar Ice
- Mother
- helps the single mother find balance between mothering and fathering—Solar Eclipse
- opening the heart to the Divine Mother—Chiming Bells, Emerald
- strengthening the mother principle—Bog, Grove Sandwort, Pineapple Weed
- support for becoming a mother—Pregnancy Support
- Motivation
- balancing one's motivation with an awareness of what has already been accomplished—Opium Poppy
- finding motivation from a clear awareness of life purpose—Paper Birch
- opening to higher sources of motivation, especially in one's writing and speaking—Tundra Rose
- Nature
- awareness of the angelic kingdom in nature—Alpine Azalea, Chiming Bells
- awareness of the subtler aspects of nature—Comandra, Moschatel, Northern Twayblade
- establishing bonds of communication with nature—Comandra, Grove Sandwort
- helps one feel at home in nature—Chrysoprase
- learning to be nurtured and supported by nature—Spiraea
- opening to the light and intelligence in nature—Green Bells of Ireland, Green Garnet, Green Tourmaline
- releasing fears of the power of nature—Soapberry
- Newborn
- help in establishing bonds of communication with the mother and the Earth—Grove Sandwort, Pineapple Weed
- helps newborn babies greet the Earth—Green Bells of Ireland
- support and protection for the newly born—Covellite, Guardian, Peridot, White Violet, Yarrow
- support for newborn animals—Animal Care
- Nurturing
- helps the inner child receive nurturing from the Divine Mother and from the Earth—Emerald, Northern Lady's Slipper, Rose Quartz
- helps us learn how to receive nurturing without struggle—Larimar
- learning to nurture and be nurtured unconditionally—Spiraea
- supports the practice of nurturing between mother and child—Grove Sandwort, Pregnancy Support
- Opening
- opening and maintaining a spiritual focus in life—Icelandic Poppy
- opening channels of communication with higher sources of energy and information—Lapis Lazuli, Rutilated Quartz
- opening one's heart to angelic love—Alpine Azalea, Angelica, Kunzite
- opening one's mind to the experience of abundance—Blueberry Pollen
- opening pathways to receive healing energy—Lady's Slipper, Northern Lady's Slipper
- opening the heart to healing through trust—Bog Rosemary
- opening to the omnipresence of light—Single Delight
- to higher sources of inspiration—Tundra Rose
- to share more of what one has to offer—Apophyllite, Wild Sweet Pea
- to the active, masculine flow of energy—Solstice Sun, Sunflower
- Optimism
- helps one restore an optimistic outlook on life—Chiming Bells, Goatsbeard, Prickly Wild Rose, Rock Spring, Spectrolite
- Oversensitive
- for emotional over sensitivity—Hematite, Tiger's Eye
- for environmental sensitivities—Black Tourmaline, Guardian, Yarrow
- helps acutely sensitive people create better boundaries—Guardian, Monkshood, White Violet, Yarrow
- helps highly sensitive people stay connected to their bodies and the Earth—Starflower, Stinging Nettle
- oversensitive to physical contact—Covellite, Pasque Flower
- Overwhelmed
- by energies from others or from the environment—Black Tourmaline, Covellite, Guardian, Hematite, Yarrow
- by the amount of energy or information one is receiving—Lapis Lazuli, Rutilated Quartz, Stinging Nettle, Twinflower
- by the pace and intensity of change—Fireweed, Golden Corydalis, Greenland Icecap, Labrador Tea, Tidal Forces
- Patience
- helps us stay present and centered in the moment with no anticipation of what is to come—Jadeite Jade, Polar Ice
- sense of not having enough time to complete tasks—Bunchberry
- when confronting obstacles—Rock Spring
- Peace
- allowing peace to reside in us on a permanent basis—Blue Green Tourmaline
- peace from an awareness of Divine support—Bog Candle, Chalice Well, Hairy Butterwort
- peace of mind during times of change—Cow Parsnip
- realizing peace by letting go of what is inessential—Winter In August
- through understanding one's true nature—Chiming Bells, Jadeite Jade
- Perception
- clarity of visual perception—Alder, Herkimer Diamond
- of nature on a deeper and more profound level—Cassandra, Comandra, Green Bog Orchid, Moschatel
- of the essential oneness of the universe through an open heart—Green Fairy Orchid
- of the finer, subtler energies of spirit as they exist in form—Northern Twayblade
- releasing beliefs that limit one's perception—Blueberry Pollen, Crowberry, Foxglove
- Perspective
- changing one's perspective from pain to healing—Cotton Grass
- helps one learn a new perspective of balance—Green Tourmaline, Labrador Tea, Opium Poppy, Red Elder
- looking within for a deeper perspective—Lapland Rosebay
- needing to restore one's perspective—Foxglove, Paper Birch
- opening to a fresh perspective on life—Spectrolite
- opening to a more universal perspective—Lamb's Quarters, Moldavite
- Potential
- facilitates the development of our spiritual potential—Brazilian Amethyst, Fairy Slipper, Scepter Amethyst, Sunflower
- freeing up and focusing inner potential—Sticky Geranium
- opens our potential for creative expression—Wild Iris, Yellow Paintbrush
- promotes the ability to hold potential for new creation—Bog, Pregnancy Support
- receiving what we need to live our lives to their full potential—Blueberry Pollen, Bog Blueberry
- Power
- blending power and gentleness—Sitka Spruce Pollen
- expressing power through our hearts—Northern Green Orchid
- harmonizing our personal power with the power of nature—Gigha Quartz, Soapberry
- reclaiming one's power as a man—Fairy Slipper, Solar Eclipse, Sunflower
- reclaiming one's power as a woman—Ladies' Mantle
- tapping into inner truth and joy as a source of personal power—Goatsbeard, Gold
- Pre-Menstrual
- calms overly reactive emotional states—Moonstone, Tidal Forces
- inconsistent and uneven flow of energy due to shock or trauma in the past—Balsam Poplar, Green Jasper, Ladies' Mantle, River Beauty, White Fireweed
- releases emotional tension and promotes circulation of emotional energies—Bloodstone, Moonstone
- Protection
- adds clarity and definition to the auric field—Covellite, Stone Circle
- being one's own source of protection—Stone Circle, Yarrow
- creates a sacred and protected space for deep inner work—Monkshood
- for carrying out one's life purpose—Alaska Violet, Cattail Pollen, One-Sided Wintergreen
- for practitioners and healers—Guardian, Lavender Yarrow, Stone Circle
- for the newly born—Angelica, Peridot
- from environmental pollution and toxicity—Guardian
- helps sensitive people create functional energy boundaries—White Violet
- protection from other's emotional energies—Hematite, Red Quartz
- through a projection of harmlessness—Larimar
- Public Speaking
- for fears of—White Violet, Yellow Violet
- helps one prepare for—Beyond Words
- promotes clear communication—Fairy Slipper, Tundra Rose, Twinflower, Yellow Violet
- Purification
- of one's immediate environment—Grass of Parnassus, Sweetgrass
- of stagnant energy on any or all levels—Purification, Tourmalated Quartz, Typhoon
- of the etheric body—Fluorite, Fluorite Combo, Sweetgrass
- of toxic energy from body, mind, and emotions—Black Tourmaline, Black Tourmaline/Master Quartz, Northern Coral Root, Portage Glacier
- Purity
- helps to restore the purity of innocence—Liard Hot Springs
- helps us recognize purity within ourselves—Cloudberry, Polar Ice, Starflower
- Rebirthing
- for healing birth trauma—Ladies' Tresses, Shooting Star
- support for new beginnings—Peridot
- to assist in the processing of old emotions and thoughts—Bog Candle, Purification, Rose/Smoky Quartz
- Receptivity
- creating functional energy boundaries to support one's receptivity—Covellite, Stone Circle, White Violet
- dedicating one's mental capacities to receiving the creative impulses of the soul—Jacob's Ladder
- developing emotional receptivity—Sweetgale
- helps one move from over sensitivity to centered receptivity—Moonstone
- increasing mental receptivity by opening the channel between the heart and mind—Wild Rhubarb
- to one's spiritual power—Brazilian Amethyst, Icelandic Poppy, Scepter Amethyst
- to the angelic kingdom—Angelica, Chiming Bells, Kunzite
- Recovery
- emotional—River Beauty
- from addictive behavior—Labrador Tea, Self-Heal
- from long term illness or overwork—Fire Opal, Opal
- from old wounds and injuries—Comfrey, Cotton Grass, Rhodolite Garnet
- from shock and trauma—Dwarf Fireweed, Fireweed, Soul Support, White Fireweed
- Regeneration
- emotional regeneration after a traumatic event—River Beauty
- of the etheric body—Comfrey, Fireweed, Fluorite Combo, Opal, Sweetgrass
- physical regeneration through the healing of old wounds—Cotton Grass, Fireweed, Rhodolite Garnet
- spiritual regeneration—Brazilian Amethyst, Chiming Bells, Kunzite, Vanadinite
- Rejuvenation
- of spent emotional and mental forces—Lighten Up, Opal
- on all levels—Fireweed, Liard Hot Springs, Portage Glacier, Ruby, Spectrolite
- through a greater awareness of how we use our energy—Chocolate Lily, Labradorite
- Relationships
- balancing communications in relationships—Twinflower
- balancing one's relationship to the Earth—Turquoise
- encourages mutual awareness and healing of relationships—Full Moon Reflection
- opening emotional interactions in—Sweetgale
- release of unforgiven areas in—Mountain Wormwood
- seeing relationships from a spiritual perspective—Pale Corydalis
- Release
- of a negative or false self-image—Columbine, False Hellebore, Lace Flower
- of emotional and mental tension held in muscle tissue—Dandelion, Valerian
- of emotional tension in male/female relationships—Sweetgale
- of energy connections with others that are no longer useful—Aragonite
- of energy patterns that no longer serve us—Cinnabar, Fireweed, Green Tourmaline/Smoky Quartz, Northern Lights, Purification
- of pain held in the body—Cotton Grass, Potato
- of self-doubt—Tamarack
- of sexual tension stemming from experiences of abuse—Balsam Poplar
- of the fear of one's own power—Soapberry
- Releasing
- attachment to distraction—Bunchberry
- constrictions held deep in the heart—Green Bog Orchid, Green Fairy Orchid, Pink Quartz
- deep patterns of limitation held in the mind—Blueberry Pollen
- deeply held trauma—Ladies' Tresses, Soul Support, White Fireweed
- emotional shock—White Fireweed
- emotional tension centered around the heart—Foxglove, Soapberry
- familial and tribal karmic patterns—White Lupine
- inner potential—Sticky Geranium
- judgment from the heart—Sphagnum Moss
- mental resistance to change—Glacier River, Greenland Icecap, Jacob's Ladder, Willow
- old habits that are no longer useful—Portage Glacier
- pain held deep in the subconscious—Forget-Me-Not
- resentment towards oneself or another—Mountain Wormwood
- self-destructive programming—Bog Candle, Diopside
- the energy surrounding unresolved conflicts—Blue Elf Viola
- the need to mentally control the events of our lives—Jacob's Ladder
- through self-acceptance—Rose/Smoky Quartz
- toxic patterns in an environment where there has been addiction, depression or abuse—Purification
- unexpressed emotions in a positive way—Augustine Volcano
- Remembering
- one's original innocence—Forget-Me-Not, Liard Hot Springs
- wisdom from past experiences—Black Spruce, White Spruce
- Resentment
- helps one understand the source of—Blue Elf Viola
- stimulates the release of—Mountain Wormwood
- Resilience
- of body—Dandelion, Pearl, Potato
- of mind—Chrysocolla, Wild Rhubarb, Willow
- of perception—Rainbow Hematite
- promotes a resilient attitude towards life—Tidal Forces
- Resistance
- letting go of resistance to being healed—Bog Rosemary, Northern Lady's Slipper
- overcoming mental resistance—Willow
- to becoming fully connected with the physical plane—Bloodstone, Glacier River
- to change and transformation—Glacier River, Greenland Icecap, Redoubt Volcano
- to growth and expansion—Spiraea
- to receiving love from universal sources—Harebell
- Responsibility
- helps one take responsibility for why they have incarnated—Sapphire, Star Sapphire
- taking responsibility for one's personal power—Sitka Spruce Pollen, Soapberry
- taking responsibility for the reality one has created—Willow
- Restoration
- of equilibrium to the body after injury, shock, and trauma—Cotton Grass, Fireweed, Soul Support
- of one's interest in life—Prickly Wild Rose, Tundra Rose
- Sadness
- brings peace and joy to those who are lost in sadness—Chiming Bells, Orange Calcite, Pink Quartz, River Beauty
- helps us release deep sadness from the body—Cinnabar, Ladies' Mantle, Tidal Forces, Tundra Twayblade
- Safety
- helps one create safety in the heart—Devil's Club, Mangano Calcite
- helps one find peace, protection, safety, and security through the release of fear—Enchanter's Nightshade
- helps one relax and receive nurturing without struggle—Larimar
- Security
- through the establishment of functional boundaries—Guardian, Pasque Flower, Red Quartz, Stone Circle, White Violet, Yarrow
- Seeing
- beyond one's normal range of perception—Alder, Herkimer Diamond, Northern Twayblade
- through illusion to the truth—Bladderwort
- through perceptual blockages to the heart of the matter—Foxglove
- with unconditional love—Sphagnum Moss
- without distortion—Lapland Rosebay
- Self-Appreciation
- of one's beauty, regardless of how it differs from others—Columbine
- of one's unique contribution to the evolution of humanity—Lace Flower
- of our creative abilities—Wild Iris
- Self-Esteem
- from a clear sense of one's identity—Cloudberry, Gold, Tiger's Eye, Topaz
- from knowing one's abilities—Tamarack
- from solidifying one's value system—Pyrite
- Sensitivity
- balances and harmonizes sensitivity during menstruation—Moonstone
- grounding one's sensitivity into physical experience—Comandra, Northern Twayblade, Stinging Nettle
- lack of emotional sensitivity—Bloodstone, Sweetgale
- support and protection for those who are highly sensitive—Covellite, Guardian, Lavender Yarrow, One-Sided Wintergreen, Pasque Flower, White Violet, Yarrow
- Sensuality/Sexuality
- clearing negative programming around sexuality—White Fireweed
- for over sensitivity to physical touch—Pasque Flower
- helps one express one's passion in service to Spirit—Blue Poppy
- restores earthly sensuality and healthy sexuality—Green Jasper, Ladies' Mantle
- synchronizing sexual energy with planetary cycles and rhythms—Balsam Poplar
- Shock
- healing emotional shock—River Beauty, White Fireweed
- helps animals release shock—Animal Care
- recovering from a shock to the heart—Montana Rhodochrosite, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz
- recovering from a shock to the physical body—Cotton Grass, Fireweed
- releasing shock from the etheric body—Comfrey, Fireweed, Fluorite, Raspberry Rutile, Rhodolite Garnet, Sweetgrass
- releasing shock that has been stored in the cellular structure of the body—Ladies' Tresses, Tundra Twayblade, White Fireweed
- treating shock on all levels—Soul Support
- Space Clearing
- clearing and releasing—Black Tourmaline, Grass of Parnassus, Northern Coral Root, Portage Glacier, Purification, Sticky Geranium, Sweetgrass, Tourmalated Quartz, Typhoon
- invocation—Calling All Angels, Chalice Well, Chiming Bells, Guardian, Kunzite, Lighten Up
- maintaining energy flow in a space—Lady's Slipper, Lighten Up, Orange Calcite, Tidal Forces
- preservation—Covellite, Guardian, Hematite, Peridot
- Spiritual
- brings a depth and physical richness to one's spiritual life—Sugalite
- helps one balance the flow of spiritual energies in the body—Lilac, Red-Purple Poppy
- promotes a recognition of the spiritual realm—Brazilian Amethyst, Forget-Me-Not, Scepter Amethyst
- seeing relationships as catalysts for spiritual growth—Pale Corydalis
- supports spiritual receptivity and radiance—Icelandic Poppy
- Strengthening
- appreciation of oneself—Lace Flower
- one's inner connection with the Universe—Bog Rosemary
- one's inner light—Yarrow
- one's sense of self—Columbine
- the bonds of communication between mother and child—Grove Sandwort
- the energetic boundary between one's emotional experience and one's true identity—Tiger's Eye
- the flow of feminine energy in the body—Balsam Poplar, Green Jasper, Moonstone
- the flow of masculine energy in the body—Sitka Spruce Pollen, Sunflower
- the heart chakra—Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Emerald, Kunzite, Montana Rhodochrosite, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz
- Stress
- letting go of emotional stress stored in the muscle tissue—Dandelion
- relieving stress from the experience of extremes—Labrador Tea, Soul Support
- stress from a preoccupation with mental activities—Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Jacob's Ladder, Wild Rhubarb
- Suffering
- letting go of old patterns of suffering—Bleeding Heart, Pink Quartz, White Fireweed
- opening old wounds to the healing power of love—Tundra Twayblade
- physical relief from suffering—Cinnabar, Cotton Grass, Northern Lady's Slipper, Pearl
- suffering from loss—Ladies' Mantle, Reindeer Moss, River Beauty
- Support
- accessing Divine support in the moment—Hairy Butterwort, Lilac
- for any new cycle of growth and experience—Peridot, Rock Spring
- for those who are pioneering new inner and outer realms—Aventurine, Vesuvianite, Yellow Dryas
- from all kingdoms and dimensions—Chalice Well
- from the Angelic kingdom—Angelica, Chiming Bells, Kunzite
- unconditional acceptance of support in all situations—Spiraea
- Surrendering
- inappropriate mental control over the events of our lives—Jacob's Ladder
- the pain from old wounds—Cotton Grass
- the power of the mind to the joy of the heart—Lamb's Quarters
- to that which is beyond our control or comprehension—Augustine Volcano, Redoubt Volcano
- to the timing of one's inner processes—Greenland Icecap, Polar Ice
- unforgiven areas in our relationships—Mountain Wormwood
- Synchronization
- gaining safety and freedom from risk through a synchronization of mind and body—Pineapple Weed
- of internal body rhythms with the natural cycles of the planet—Balsam Poplar, Green Jasper
- of the auric field with the natural vibration of the Earth—Brazilian Quartz, Malachite, Smoky Quartz
- of the movement of energy between the etheric and physical bodies—Fluorite Combo
- Transformation
- letting go of resistance to—False Hellebore, Fireweed Combo, Glacier River, Greenland Icecap, Spiraea, Tidal Forces, Vanadinite
- of life patterns that no longer contribute to our highest good—False Hellebore, Fireweed, Nootka Lupine, Northern Lights, Portage Glacier
- realignment of one's energy field with one's higher purpose—Cattail Pollen, Ladies' Tresses, Sapphire, Sapphire/Ruby, Star Sapphire
- support during or after an emotional transformation—Bog Candle, Chiming Bells, River Beauty
- support for the physical body during a transformation of any kind—Fireweed
- support on all levels during transformation—Soul Support
- to help pace a transformative experience—Dwarf Fireweed
- when one feels stuck in the middle of a transformative process—Fireweed Combo, Sticky Geranium
- Transition
- moving through a transition without creating crisis or illness—Hairy Butterwort
- patience during transition—Polar Ice, Rock Spring
- peace and contentment during times of transition—Cow Parsnip
- Trauma
- brings a balancing and centering influence during or after a traumatic experience—Jadeite Jade, Labrador Tea
- calming to the emotional body after it has suffered a recent trauma—Emerald, White Fireweed
- gentle release of trauma without having to re-experience it—Northern Lady's Slipper
- healing trauma after surgery—Animal Care, Cotton Grass, Raspberry Rutile, Rhodolite Garnet, Soul Support
- healing trauma with unconditional love—Tundra Twayblade
- helps with emotional reorientation after a traumatic event—River Beauty, Rose Quartz
- release of trauma held in the cellular consciousness of the body—Ladies' Tresses
- releasing trauma from all levels of the being—Fireweed, Soul Support
- topical application where there has been a trauma to the body—Cotton Grass
- Travel
- for all aspects of travel—Travel Ease
- helps one adapt to new surroundings more quickly—Brazilian Quartz, Cow Parsnip, Green Jasper, Grove Sandwort
- helps one travel through time zones more easily—Black Tourmaline, Chrysocolla
- helps us let go of stress and tension from traveling—Dandelion, Labrador Tea
- Trust
- creating new boundaries based on trust—White Violet
- deep cleansing and healing through trust—Bog Rosemary
- in oneself—Prickly Wild Rose
- in the unknown and the unknowable—Rock Spring, Round-Leaved Sundew, Star Sapphire
- lacking trust in the spiritual world—Jacob's Ladder
- Truth
- building an energetic foundation for one's life based on truth—Pyrite
- grounding higher truth into one's personal experiences—Alder
- grounding spiritual truth into the physical dimension—Chalice Well, Scepter Amethyst
- increases one's access to Divine truth—Citrine
- seeing through illusion—Bladderwort, Diamond, False Hellebore
- standing tall in one's truth—Cattail Pollen
- Vision
- clarity of physical, mental, and spiritual sight—Alder, Celestite, Cloudberry, Herkimer Diamond, Rainbow Hematite
- clarity of vision from a clear heart—Green Fairy Orchid, Sphagnum Moss
- clarity of vision from inner knowing—Bladderwort, Lapland Rosebay
- clearing inner vision so that one is aware of one's soul family—Single Delight, Yellow Dryas
- seeing through the illusion of separation—Green Tourmaline
- Vulnerability
- energetic—Lavender Yarrow, White Violet, Yarrow
- in crowded situations—Devil's Club, Stone Circle
- maintaining a quality of appropriate vulnerability—Prickly Wild Rose
- physical—Pasque Flower
- to powerful emotions—Guardian, Hematite, Tiger's Eye
- Will
- activation of personal will in its highest form—Diamond
- balancing personal will and Divine will—Round-Leaved Sundew
- bringing the power of the will into alignment with the heart and mind—Bunchberry, Silver
- Wisdom
- accessing wisdom contained in nature and the collective consciousness of the planet—Black Spruce, Gigha Quartz, Turquoise
- integration and embodiment of wisdom from past experiences—Opium Poppy, Sitka Spruce Pollen, White Spruce
- looking within for wisdom—Lapland Rosebay
- manifesting spiritual wisdom through the physical body—Fairy Slipper